msXfax V8 Optus SIP Trunk & Sonus SBC
BNS has successfully tested msXfax with a Sonus session border controller on the Optus Evolve SIP Trunk Service.
BNS confirms the following tests were performed.
- Connectivity testing using G.711 fax pass through at speeds of 28,800bps
- Sending to fax destinations on the PSTN domestic and international
- Receiving fax calls from the Optus SIP Trunk Service.
- Sonus SBC testing confirmed using G.711 28,800bps
- Security classifications not allowed to the public network were blocked by msXfax.
- Exchange Server / Office 365 testing as part of the platform test.
- T.38 support on the internal enterprise network is supported at 14.4kbps.
- Sonus SBC performs transcoding from T.38 to G.711 (internal to Optus)
- XCAPI Fax over IP drivers also tested with Sonus SBC over Optus SIP Trunk.
Detailed information below.